Sector with SHED - live, Stikdorn & Kavaro

Sector #50 with:

▲ SHED (aka The Traveller. Head High. EQD. WK7. Seelow. War Easy Made | Ostgut Ton. 50Weapons. WAX. Power House. Monkeytown)

Sector Resident DJs:
▲ Stikdorn (Henk Records. Sector)
▲ Kavaro (Sector Music)


Nur Abendkasse, kein Vorverkauf.

René Pawlowitz – better known under his moniker Shed – is one of the most respected techno artists in the industry today. Born in Frankfurt (Oder), René first got interested in electronic music in the early 1990s, by 2002 he had moved to Berlin and founded his own label Soloaction Records with the support of the iconic Berlin record store Hard Wax.
On his own label he released his first EP as Shed ‘Red Planet Express’ in 2004. 2008 saw the release of the first album ‘Shedding The Past’ which went on to be named album of the year by Resident Advisor. Since then René has cemented himself as an evergreen producer with releases on a number of household labels including Ostgut Ton and Modeselektor’s 50 Weapons imprint to name a few, adding to his impressive work under aliases including Head High and The Higher.
Whether it be through track selection in his DJs sets or the raw power of his live show, Shed manages to merge rough dance floor skeletons with detailed melodies, harmonic structures and airy arrangements for an evocative performance that isn’t easily forgotten.


- Einlass nur PCR getestet (max. 48h alt), vollständig geimpft (digitaler Impfpass erforderlich) oder genesen (Nachweis erforderlich) + Ausweisdokument
- Zusätzlich empfehlen wir auch ein negatives Antigen-Schnelltestergebnis (max. 48h alt) für Geimpfte und Genesene um das Event für alle Anwesenden so sicher wie möglich zu machen
- Maskenpflicht in der Einlass-Schlange und an den Theken
- Solltet Ihr euch krank fühlen, bleibt bitte zu Hause
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